Northern Lights Autoflower Seeds


SKU: JGH-NTH-FAX Categories: ,


For decades, Northern Lights never changed its reputation as the best Indica hybrid of all time. There are also choices of seeds when cultivating this plant such as feminized or fast version. Recently,United Strains of America also added another option – the blazingly quick Auto-flowering Northern Lights.

The origin of Northern Lights remains shrouded in mystery. In one version, it supposedly took roots in Seattle back in the 70s. Nonetheless, it eventually made its way to Amsterdam. It is here where further work on genetics took the strain to new heights and became a worldwide sensation once released to the public in 1985.

In many ways, this strain is very much a representation of the classic Afghani landraces. It is an almost pure Indica with a bit of Thai Sativa genetics. The fusion of these two indigenous varieties gave rise to a hybrid that delivers the same intense body high with a touch of dreamy cerebral effects.

Auto Northern Lights does not deviate too far away from its photoperiod kin in that it is well capable of delivering devastating effects. It remains a “two hits and quit” type of strain that even seasoned consumers should respect.

A multiple-time award winner, the addition of Northern Lights Auto seeds in the catalog is indeed a welcome addition catering to the desire for speed and reliability. Moreover, it comes in the feminized form to ensure that no males spout to wreak havoc.

Additional information

Pack Size

4 Seeds, 8 Seeds, 12 Seeds, 24 Seeds, 100 Seeds

Indoor Ounces/Plant


Outdoor Ounces/Plant




Flowering Time (weeks)



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